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HD 284953



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The Status of ROSAT X-ray Active Young Stars toward Taurus-Auriga
We present an astrometric study of the candidates of T Tauri stars (TTS)and non-TTS X-ray sources around Tau-Aur, based on the HipparcosCatalogue and the ACT Reference Catalogue. The ROSAT selected X-raysources are found to be a mixed population. A few of them areassociated with the Tau-Aur or Orion Star Forming Regions (SFR). Some,with distances similar to that of Tau-Aur but with discrepant propermotions, are probable or sure Pleiades super-cluster members or otherlate type young active stars with unresolved nature, more likely tooriginate in rapidly moving cloudlets, or else having originated fromdifferent sites other than Tau-Aur and moved to the present locations. Agood many of the non-TTS X-ray sources are considered as Hyades clustermembers. Some TTS candidates could be foreground pre-main sequencestars or actually young dwarfs not yet depleted of their Lithium. Underthe hypothesis that the sources we studied are representative of theROSAT selected TTS candidates discovered in the outskirts of the Tau-Aurregion, we conclude that only up to one third of the weak-line TTScandidates could be expected to be physically associated with theTau-Aur association. Along with the parallax and proper motion analysisof the non-TTS X-ray sources around the Tau-Aur SFR, our result suggeststhat the vast majority of the young active X-ray sources within anangular diameter of about 30 ° of the Tau-Aur SFR, belong to fourmain subgroups that are spatially separate.

Overlapping Open Clusters NGC 1750 and NGC 1758 Behind the Taurus Dark Clouds. II. CCD Photometry in the Vilnius System
Seven-color photometry in the Vilnius system has been obtained for 420stars down to V = 16 mag in the area containing the overlapping openclusters NGC 1750 and NGC 1758 in Taurus. Spectral and luminosityclasses, color excesses, interstellar extinctions and distances aregiven for 287 stars. The classification of stars is based on theirreddening-free Q-parameters. 18 stars observed photoelectrically wereused as standards. The extinction vs. distance diagram exhibits thepresence of one dust cloud at a distance of 175 pc which almostcoincides with a distance of other dust clouds in the Taurus complex.The clusters NGC 1750 and NGC 1758 are found to be at the same distanceof ~ 760 pc and may penetrate each other. Their interstellarextinction A_V is 1.06 mag which corresponds to EB-V = 0.34mag.

Absolute proper motions of open clusters. I. Observational data
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Newly discovered candidate weak-line T Tauri stars in the surrounding area of the Taurus-Auriga region
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The overlapping open clusters NGC 1750 and NGC 1758. II. $\vec BVR photographic photometry and proper motions
Astrometry (positions and proper motions) and photographic BVRphotometry were determined from a set of 29 photographic plates and CCDdata in a region of 2.3(deg}x2.3({deg)) in the area of open clusters NGC1750 and NGC 1758 in Taurus. The iterative central overlap algorithm wasused for the proper motion calculations. Plate-to-plate transformationsand astrometric magnitude effects are discussed in detail. CCD datainteract with photographic material in three different ways: for theelimination of astrometric magnitude effects, for the photometricstandard calibration of photographic plates and for building a CCDpseudo-plate used for astrometric purposes as any other photographicplate. A preliminary analysis of the resulting photometric andastrometric catalogue confirmed the reality of two different clusters inthe zone (NGC 1750 and NGC 1758). There were no indications for theexistence of NGC 1746. Tables 6 and 11 are only available in electronicform from CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( orvia http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

Determination of proper motions and membership of the open clusters NGC 1750 and NGC 1758
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The Henry Draper Extension Charts: A catalogue of accurate positions, proper motions, magnitudes and spectral types of 86933 stars
The Henry Draper Extension Charts (HDEC), published in the form offinding charts, provide spectral classification for some 87000 starsmostly between 10th and 11th magnitude. This data, being highlyvaluable, as yet was practically unusable for modern computer-basedastronomy. An earlier pilot project (Roeser et al. 1991) demonstrated apossibility to convert this into a star catalogue, using measurements ofcartesian coordinates of stars on the charts and positions of theAstrographic Catalogue (AC) for subsequent identification. We presenthere a final HDEC catalogue comprising accurate positions, propermotions, magnitudes and spectral classes for 86933 stars of the HenryDraper Extension Charts.

Probable open clusters NGC 1750 and NGC 1758 behind the Taurus dark clouds
The area of 2.5 x 2.5 deg in the direction of the Taurus dark cloudscontaining stellar groupings NGC 1746, NGC 1750, and NGC 1758 isinvestigated in the Vilnius photometric system. Magnitudes V, colorindices, color excesses, interstellar extinctions, and distances aredetermined for 116 stars, some of which are as faint as V = 13. It isconcluded that NGC 1746 is probably not a cluster. Other two groupingsof stars, NGC 1750 and NGC 1758, if real, may be open clusters at 510and 680 pc distances. Interstellar reddenings E(B-V) of both groups are0.42 and 0.37 mag, respectively. The distance of the Taurus dark cloudsin the area is found to be 175 pc, i.e. by 45 pc larger than in otherdirections farther to the south from the galactic equator.

UBV photometry of stars whose positions are accurately known.
Photometric indices V, B-V, and U-B were measured for about 560 stars ofthe AGK3R and NPZT catalogs between BD declinations 11 deg and 23 deg,using the 40-cm Cassegrain telescope of the Kvistaberg Observatory fromApril 1986 to May 1987. The observation procedure and the reductiontechnique were the same as in the earlier papers of this series by Oja(1984, 1985, 1986, and 1987). The mean errors were calculated from theinternal consistency of the data. The accuracy was found to be the sameas for the earlier parts of the survey.

Photoelectric observations of lunar occultations. XV
The last (or possibly penultimate) paper in a series on lunaroccultations presents observations of 404 phenomena, preceded by somegeneral remarks of a retrospective nature. The series of observationsbegan in 1968. Data for 20 doubles or suspected doubles are presented,ranked in order of certainty, with designation 3 representing thesurest. Thirteen of the cases refer to stars not previously noted asdoubles. Seven determinations of angular diameters are presented, ofwhich three have been previously observed.

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Observation and Astrometry data

Right ascension:05h01m29.76s
Apparent magnitude:8.633
Distance:409.836 parsecs
Proper motion RA:-8.8
Proper motion Dec:-8.4
B-T magnitude:10.323
V-T magnitude:8.773

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 284953
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 1845-3473-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1125-01989434
HIPHIP 23371

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