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HD 84075



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Proper motions of faint ROSAT WTT stars in the Chamaeleon region
We present proper motions of 59 stars of the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (RASS)located in direction of the Chamaeleon star forming region (SFR) in themagnitude range B=5.1 - 17 mag. Proper motions of the fainter stars werenewly derived utilizing survey Schmidt plates from the GSC II platearchive and from a set of special plates taken with the ESO Schmidttelescope. The vector point diagram (VPD) indicates that the certifiedWTT stars cluster away from the region occupied by the brighterpre-main-sequence stars (PMS) in Cha I. The distance to this newassociation is estimated at ~ 100 pc, sensibly smaller than the 150 pcgenerally assumed for the SFR. This yields an upper limit of 2 km s(-1)for the velocity dispersion of this new kinematic group. The de-reddenedCM diagram of the group members suggest the WTT stars are still PMSobjects, but older (3-30 Myr) and less massive than previousdeterminations. These revised age estimates, the newly derived grouppeculiar velocity, and current distance estimates to the Cha I/II/IIIcomplex would favour in-situ formation against that predicted by highvelocity cloud models. Finally, based on a redetermination of thepeculiar motions of stars and gas, we speculate that the whole SFRoriginated from the local Orion spur as a result of more classicalmechanisms like interactions with the spiral arms. Based on observationscollected at the European Southern Observatory (Chile) and on data fromthe Hipparcos astrometry satellite. Table~1 is available only inelectronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp at

Kinematics of T Tauri stars in Chamaeleon
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HIPPARCOS results for ROSAT-discovered young stars
Out of ~ 500 Lithium-rich ROSAT counterparts, which were presumed to below-mass pre-main sequence stars, 21 stars have been observed byHIPPARCOS. We study their parallaxes, proper motions, and photometricdata. For 7 out of 10 Taurus and Lupus stars in our sample, propermotions and parallaxes are not inconsistent with membership to theseassociations, while most of the stars in Chamaeleon and Scorpius appearto be young foreground stars. Combined with ground based photometry andspectroscopy, HIPPARCOS parallaxes allow us to place 15 stars on an H-Rdiagram. All these 15 stars lie above the Zero-Age-Main-Sequence andthus are indeed pre-main sequence stars with ages from 1 to 15 Myr. Onlytwo of the stars are located on the Hayashi-tracks, whereas the other 13are post-TTauri stars located on radiative tracks. Although the sampleis admittedly small, containing only 3% of the total sample ofLithium-rich ROSAT counterparts, it does not confirm recent predictionsby other authors: We find no stars in the age range from 20 to 100 Myr.The foreground pre-main sequence stars may have been ejected toward us,or they belong to the Gould Belt system, a plane filled with youngstars.

A study of the Chamaeleon star-forming region from the ROSAT all-sky survey. III. High resolution spectroscopic study
We present the results of a high-resolution spectroscopic study on some70 stars, discovered recently on the basis of the ROSAT all-sky surveyspread over a wide area in the Chamaeleon star forming region andclassified as new weak-line T Tauri stars. We refine the previousspectral type classification, based on low-resolution spectra, andcharacterize each star in the sample according to the Hα lineprofile. We use the strength of Li I 6708, compared to Pleiades stars ofthe same spectral type, as a youth discriminator in order to recognizebona-fide pre-main sequence stars. According to the adopted ``lithiumcriterion'', more than 50% of the stars in our sample are confirmed tobe truly young, PMS stars (most having age less than 5x 10(6) yr), whilethe remaining part seems mostly composed by active, young, foregroundmain-sequence stars (possibly Pleiades-like), which contaminate theoriginal sample. We confirm the existence of some very young stars farfrom the main Chamaeleon clouds, while we do not find clear evidence forthe presence of post-T Tauri stars in our sample. We find that 5 starsin the sample are spectroscopic binaries and 1 is a spectroscopic triplesystem. We derive radial and rotational velocities for all the stars insample and analyse their distributions for different spectral typeintervals. The radial velocity distribution shows a clear peak at about15 km s(-1) , which coincides with the radial velocity of stars and gasin the Cha I cloud. However, the velocity dispersion of the weak-line TTauri stars appears much broader and, possibly, a second peak is presentaround 16-18 km s(-1) . A clear segregation in radial velocity isobserved between the strong-lithium and the weak-lithium stars, with theformer showing radial velocities which, in most cases, fall in theinterval 12

A study of the Chamaeleon star-forming region from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. II. The pre-main sequence population.
We analyse the nature of the optical counterparts of the ROSAT all-skysurvey (RASS) X-ray sources identified with new weak-line T Tauri (WTTS)stars in the Chamaeleon star forming region (SFR). The new WTTS aredistributed throughout the whole SFR, while the classical T Tauri stars(CTTS) are found only in the cloud cores. Adopting a distance of 150pcwe derive the stellar parameters and place the new WTTS in the HRdiagram. By comparison with theoretical pre-main sequence (PMS)evolutionary tracks, we find masses in the range of0.2-2.5Msun_ and ages from a few 10^5^yr to 5x10^7^yr. Manyof the youngest WTTS are located far away from the main Chamaeleon darkclouds. By comparing the properties of the new WTTS with those of thepreviously known Chamaeleon members, we obtain the following results: i)the new WTTS are, on average, the more massive and luminous PMS stars inChamaeleon, while the Cha II population contains the lower-mass PMSstars; ii) for stellar masses between 2.5 and 0.5Msun_, thecombined mass distribution of the PMS stars is consistent with theinitial mass function (IMF) for field stars, but declines rapidly formasses between 0.5 and 0.1Msun_, where the strongestselection effects are expected; iii) a weak trend for increasing agewith increasing angular distance from the cloud cores is observed but wecannot establish an age segregation since very young WTTS are also foundfar away from the molecular clouds; iv) the age distributions of the newWTTS and the Cha I population are nearly identical, while that of theCha II population is shifted towards younger stars indicating that ChaII is probably in an earlier evolutionary phase as compared with Cha Iand the new WTTS; v) no decrease of the number density of WTTS isobserved with increasing distance to the clouds; vi) the level of X-rayemission of the new WTTS is higher than that of the previously knownChamaeleon members, and the fraction of energy released as X-rayemission, is higher in the new WTTS than in the Cha I TTS. The latter issimilar to the X-ray emission level found in open clusters. Finally, wediscuss possible mechanisms which may give rise to the observed spatialdistribution of the PMS stars in Chamaeleon.

A study of the Chamaeleon star forming region from the ROSAT all-sky survey. I. X-ray observations and optical identifications.
We present the observations of the ROSAT all-sky survey (RASS) in thedirection of the Chamaeleon cloud complex, as well as the spectroscopicidentifications of the detected X-ray sources. The main purpose of thisidentification program was the search for low mass pre-main sequencestars. Sixteen previously known PMS stars were detected with highconfidence by ROSAT. Eight are classical T Tauri stars and eight areweak-line T Tauri stars, Seventy-seven new weak-line T Tauri stars wereidentified on the basis of the presence of strong Li λ 6707absorption, spectral type later than F0 and chromospheric emission. Wegive coordinates and count rates of the X-ray sources, and presentoptical spectra and finding charts for the sources identified opticallyas new pre-main sequence stars. Optical UBV(RI)_c_ and near-infraredJHKLM photometry for this sample of stars is also provided. In addition,6 new dKe-dMe candidates are found among the RASS sources.

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Observation and Astrometry data

Right ascension:09h36m17.82s
Apparent magnitude:8.601
Distance:62.972 parsecs
Proper motion RA:-73.6
Proper motion Dec:50.5
B-T magnitude:9.305
V-T magnitude:8.66

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 84075
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 9400-1713-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0075-02024425
HIPHIP 47135

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